When selecting a credit card, few people take the opportunity to take into account the unique credit card benefits a specific card offers. Most people only learn about a card’s benefits application and annual fee. Ever wonder if there is more to a credit card then the conventional rewards they offer? Particular cards offer you exclusive benefits to their clients. 

Rewards points and cash back aren’t the only benefits of paying with plastic. Card issuers offer extras that range from extended warranties on items you purchase with a card to free museum admission to travel insurance. Even if you’re familiar with your cards’ benefits, it is a good idea to review them because perks always change. Here are 10 little-known benefits your credit card may offer.

Free TSA PreCheck Or Global Entry

For a small fee of $85-$100 you can get the perk of free TSA Pre-Check or Global Entry.

Coverage For Damaged Or Stolen Products

A lot of cards will give you the benefit of purchasing protection. This protection will repair, replace or reimburse you for items that are damaged or stolen within a certain time frame. These items must be charged on the card.

Price Matching

If you purchase an item with your card and then it goes on sale a few weeks later, your card may refund you the difference. You cannot rely on your card company to find you the sale, you have to find it and bring it to the attention of your card company.

Return Protection

For some reason, if a retailer is unwilling to return an item, your credit card company may reimburse you. Within 90 days of the purchase, you can contact your card company to receive reimbursement.

Special Access To Tickets And Events

With the help of your credit card company, you may be able to get access to presale or preferred tickets to concerts, shows, sporting events and much more. 

Cell Phone Replacement

Losing or damaging your cell phone can cost you hundreds of dollars in replacing it. A lot of credit card companies will cover the cost of the new phone. The only catch is you have to use the credit card to pay the phone bills.

Identity Theft Services

If you suffer from identity theft, your credit card company will help you monitor your credit report. This is even if the theft has nothing to do with the card company.

Free Admissions And Memberships

Some banks and credit card companies get free admission to places. Some of these places include science centers, botanical gardens, museums and other great venues. Usually, the free day is the first weekend of the month.

Rental Car Insurance

A lot of credit card companies have secondary rental-car insurance. This helps cover things that are not covered by your personal auto insurance policy. This insurance is of course only used in the case that your rental is damaged.

Travel Insurance

If you have an accident when traveling, your credit card may refund you the amount for the accident. That is only if the travel is booked with your card.

There are many perks to having a credit card. You probably didn’t realize that there are a lot of other perks your credit card offers. Did you? Well now you know and you can ask your financial service about them and any other perks that they may offer. Its always good to get perks and free stuff!


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