According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s (EBRI) 2016 Retirement Confidence Survey, many people aren’t confident they are doing a fantastic job of preparing for retirement. EBRI found that only 28% of workers were convinced in their retirement planning. Though that’s the maximum level since 2013 It’s less than employees. Another 28 percent of people said they were not confident or not confident at all. Let us look at what you can do to prepare for your retirement.

Start A Retirement Plan

The toughest thing about saving for retirement is getting started. Many people don’t understand what it takes to start a retirement plan. So it’s difficult to think about things like IRAs or investment portfolios. It’s intimidating to understand that you will have to save hundreds of thousands of dollars for retirement. But saving for retirement isn’t as daunting as it seems. If you save early, even a  little in a savings account it can add up thanks to compound interest.

How Much Will You Need In Retirement

When you consider saving for retirement, start with how much you spend. Consider your bills. Many people underestimate how much money they will need to spend in retirement. Some experts, tell people they have to anticipate their retirement expenses will be approximately 60% of what their current expenses are. 

Many people have specific things they desire to spend money on in retirement. You need to consider where you want to live and also potential expenses (i.e. health related). When you have an idea how much you’ll spend in retirement, you can compute how much you’ll need in savings.

Understand Everything You Already Have

Get an accurate assessment of your current financial state. This includes your stocks and other assets. You don’t have much savings don’t worry. We all have to start from somewhere. But it is important to understand your current state, you can build off it and make it work for you.


Look over any investments you have and be certain they align with your retirement goals. If you want to retire in ten years, you should not invest your savings in stocks. If you aren’t sure how to allocate your investments, you should think about getting a financial adviser’s help.

How To Save Money: Retirement Accounts

Regarding a retirement plan, there is no single way to allocate savings. Based on how much you have and what your objectives are, consider different account types or investment methods. This is where a financial adviser can help you. 

401(K) Accounts And IRA

There are a few ways to help save that you should consider. If your employer offers a 401(k), get the most out of it. It will let you boost your savings. How much you should contribute to a 401(k) will depend on your situation. Though if your employer offers a 401(k) match, it’s a wonderful idea to donate a significant amount to take full advantage of this offer.

If your employer doesn’t offer a 401(k), you can find several of the same benefits with a traditional IRA. Experts advise that people diversify their retirement savings with a Roth IRA. Unlike a traditional IRA, a Roth IRA takes dollars. The bonus is that you don’t have pay income tax when you withdraw the money in retirement. Both types of IRAs can permit you to reach your savings goals.

Sometimes people overlook money they have saved in a former employer’s 401(k). In the event you have money in a 401(k) account that you no longer use, consider an IRA rollover. You can open an IRA and transfer the money into that account. You can also transfer the money into your current employer’s 401(k) without having to pay any taxes or fees.  Do not withdraw any money from your 401(k) account.

Consider Risks 

Many people invest their IRA money through the stock market. There is always a risk when you invest in the stock market. One way is picking index funds and ETFs rather than just stocks. Funds are diverse and are most likely to lose money if the market or stock exchange doesn’t perform as you hope. There are options for people of all risk levels. If you have a very low risk tolerance, consider something such as a certificate of deposit (CD). It would earn you more than a savings account. Also, it helps that the FDIC insures CDs.

The Most Significant Thing

A retirement plan can help you make sure you have enough retirement savings to live the life you want during retirement. If you would like to put yourself on the path to retirement success, start saving now. There are many retirement accounts and the best one(s) for you may depend on your particular situation. You should consult with a financial expert if you need help to decide how to allocate your savings. But no matter what your retirement plan looks like, stick with it! Make saving for your retirement a priority and don’t let anything derail you creating and sticking to an optimal savings plan. 


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