It may seem like there is a time in your life when its too late to go back to school. This thought is definitely wrong! You are never too old to go back to school and continue learning. Every year there are inspiring stories of seniors in their 60’s,70’s and 80’s going back to school and earning degrees. As a senior you may want to learn for fun or maybe you want a career change.

Online degrees are a great resource for seniors who want to learn from the comfort of their own home. If you are thinking it over, stop thinking and start doing.

Some degrees you might be interested in are:

  • Accounting
  • Hair Stylist
  • Art
  • Child Development
  • Music
  • Real Estate
  • Finance
  • Photographer
  • Journalism

These are just some of the area’s that may interest you. You can pick any field of study that you want.

Its important to consider the following when picking what to study and where to study:

  • Will my area of study boost my cognitive function? Picking an area of study that is challenging helps seniors minds stay active and decrease the chances of dementia.
  • What am I interested in? Of course you should figure out what you are interested in and follow that passion. Maybe you didn’t get to follow your passion in your youth. Now is your time.
  • How can I increase my social interaction? By going back to school even if it is online, it will increase social interaction. Subsequently, this prevents isolation and depression in seniors.
  • Is online the best platform for me? Figure out if distance learning is right for you. Will it keep you more engaged and will it be convenient.

If you need help with applying for an online institution, you can always call the college. Also, school understand that you maybe retired and need tuition assistance. Don’t be scared to reach out for tuition wavers for seniors and for scholarships for seniors.

Never let your age impact your objectives and lifelong learning goals. Going back to school is a great way jumpstart an encore career or a great way to share your wisdom and knowledge with other lifelong learners.

You are never too old.


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